Wat kun je met onze coupon stoffen?
Wist je dat wij op in onze webshop ook hele leuke coupon stoffen aanbieden! Een coupon is eigenlijk een kleinere afmeting dan normaal, dit gaat van soms een halve meter tot zelfs anderhalve meter stof. Bij Enschede Textielstad proberen we zoveel mogelijk mensen blij...
Heb jij al een duurzaam kerstcadeau op het oog?
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.. jaa het is alweer bijna zover. Met een warme plaid op de bank kerstliedjes luisteren en voldoening halen uit de gezelligheid om je heen. Samen zijn met je familie en genieten van de liefde voor elkaar. De gezellige...
New in our shop: colourful stripes for the most beautiful sustainable clothing!
Did you know that we also weave striped fabrics in Enschede? And that we do that in beautiful colours? Take a look in our webshop. There you will find a wide range of our (new) striped fabrics. Because we weave all our fabrics ourselves, we can experiment with new...
What is the best fabric for making a sustainable pair of jeans?
One pair of jeans requires seven to eight thousand litres of water, pesticides are used to grow the cotton and harmful chemicals are used in the dying process. This is contrary to Enschede Textielstad's values and vision of the textile industry. We would like to...
The best tips for summer and sustainable fabrics
The beautiful weather is approaching and that means we are all in need of new additions to our summer wardrobes. To reduce your impact on the environment this season, but still look fashionable, we give you some summery and sustainable fabric tips in this article....
How can I clean my clothes in a sustainable way?
Here at Enschede Textile City we are thrilled that there is so much interest in sustainable fabrics. But reducing our impact on the environment does not stop with us. As a consumer you can already contribute a lot at home, for example by the way you keep your clothes...
Tips for making your own clothes in a sustainable way
A good alternative to buying fast-fashion items is to make your own clothes. Having a unique piece of clothing that you have designed and made yourself, how much fun is that? You can also customise your clothes, making them fit perfectly. Making your own clothes is...
Are there vegan sustainable fabrics?
Veganism is becoming a trending topic and is on its way to reaching a wider audience regarding food and other products. To keep the topic a little closer to home, we'd like to educate you on veganism in relation to clothing. What exactly is veganism? And what are the...
How can I upcycle my old clothes?
Throwing away old or broken clothes is something I sometimes don't think about at all. But did you know that you can easily give these garments new life by upcycling them? This is not only super creative but also very environmentally friendly! Upcycling is becoming a...
8 Simple tips for a sustainable and clean wardrobe
8 Simple tips for a sustainable and clean wardrobe You want to contribute to a greener world? Then start with your own wardrobe! The fashion industry is very polluting and its impact on the earth can be greatly improved with a few small changes to your own lifestyle....
How can I recycle my own clothes?
To be fair, recycling clothes can be even better! But how? The clothes you wear show who you are and what you like. With the many trends that come and go every summer and winter, we buy it all. We only wear many items a few times and then end up somewhere in the back...
Sustainable washing, how do you do that?
Big washes, small washes… how should we maintain and wash our clothes? And how to do that as sustainable as possible? An important way to keep clothes beautiful for longer is often forgotten. We wash more and more at lower temperatures, but is that enough? We think...
Scrunchie DIY: How to pimp your hair tie with fabric waste
Follow our step-by-step guide to make a scrunchie from sustainable fabrics.
How are sustainable fabrics made?
By starting this article, we want to let you know right away, that this is not an easy question to answer. A perfectly sustainable fabric does unfortunately not exist. However, the focus of the EU waste management policy is placed on the disposal of waste, the...